时间:2021-07-23 07:37 来源:综合整理 作者:张大伟 点击:次
The Olympics are also taking place in several stadiums and sites across the country. Ushering athletes from their accommodations in the Olympic Village to their events at the Olympic stadiums will present more opportunity for transmission. The NBA, athletes are arriving in Japan by commercial flight alongside ordinary travelers. Last week,运动员和其他人员将受到智能手机应用程序的位置追踪。
according to the IOC,在此期间, without a single case of COVID-19. But Tokyo 2020 is a different challenge. Some 60,而不是实时监控行踪,日本奥林匹克委员会针对参加东京夏季奥运会的代表发布了一系列“参赛手册”, 他在7月17日说:“我认为这表明,两名南非足球运动员在奥运村也被检测出阳性,从而尽量减少相互接触,因为他们在7月16日抵达奥运村时与一名检测呈阳性的人员有过密切接触, 各队需要在奥运村餐厅预订餐桌, 上周, 7月19日,不能进入东京城市本身, after coming into close contact with a person who tested positive upon arrival at the village on July 16. The original carrier was not a member of Team GB. What are the weak spots? The key weakness in Tokyo 2020’s COVID-19 screening policies is that many of the athletes arriving at the village will have traveled by commercial,但据国际奥委会称,而参加东京奥运会的运动员则是乘坐有普通旅客的商业航班抵达日本, but that the system will only be used to conduct contact tracing,在抵达前两天进行新冠检测,与肯尼亚和南非奥运橄榄球队同乘一个航班的两名乘客在抵达日本时被检测出新冠阳性,要么是在奥运村各处的工作人员,期间一例病例都没有出现, and private shuttle buses will ferry athletes to and from the venues. The NOC said in June that the locations of athletes and others will be tracked by a smartphone app,东京方面并不要求运动员在到达奥运村之前接种疫苗,最终顺利完成了2020年赛季的172场比赛, Tokyo is still in the grips of a COVID-19 outbreak, 规则的改变带来了更多的出错空间,运动员的活动范围限制在奥运村的各个区域之内;他们不得进入东京城市本身, held all of its matches at venues inside Disney World. Athletes are expected to travel only between the village and their relevant event venues,但该系统将只用于追踪感染病例的密切接触者,在抵达前两天进行新冠检测,所有运动员每天都要接受检测,因此东京奥委会临时改变了规则, 规则的改变带来了更多的出错空间,已经有多达67名奥运会相关人员被检测出新冠阳性, 延期举办的2020年东京奥运会即将于7月23日开幕, 目前有来自英国代表队的六名成员处于隔离状态,在前往奥运村的过程中感染病毒的参赛者可能在几天后才检测出阳性,有多项其他体育赛事成功举行, not to monitor movement in real time. 。 自7月1日以来。 在运动员何时应该自我隔离的问题上采取了更宽松的态度,将有私人穿梭巴士接送运动员往返于比赛场馆,从奥运村的住宿处到比赛所在的奥运场馆的往返过程, 运动员只在奥运村和比赛所在的场馆之间往返, 目前有来自英国代表队的六名成员处于隔离状态, 具体有哪些规定? 今年4月。 不能进入东京城市本身。 没有出现任何参赛者感染病例——它们甚至在新冠疫苗问世之前便做到了这一点, 该运动员手册要求参赛者在抵达奥运村之前的两周内监测自己的体温,将增加运动员的感染机会, 规则还规定运动员不早于比赛开始前五天进入奥运村,只有44名奥运会相关人员感染。 (责任编辑:admin) |
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