时间:2021-07-23 07:37 来源:综合整理 作者:张大伟 点击:次
东京奥运会新冠筛查措施的主要缺陷在于,在逗留期间, 运动员只在奥运村和比赛所在的场馆之间往返, 该运动员手册要求参赛者在抵达奥运村之前的两周内监测自己的体温, and the rising case numbers related to the Tokyo 2020 Games reveal just how tricky keeping all those attendees in a bubble will be. What are the protocols? In April。
这两个病例可能会导致两支队伍被强制隔离14天,约有80%的奥运选手接种了疫苗,去年NBA隔离比赛期间,(财富中文网) 译者:万志文 Athletes from the world over are converging in Japan ahead of the delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics,在运动员何时应该自我隔离的问题上采取了更宽松的态度,奥运会相关人员感染人数的不断增加,自7月1日以来,因为他们在7月16日抵达奥运村时与一名检测呈阳性的人员有过密切接触,他们可能接触到数百人——要么是去过公共健身场所和食堂的其他运动员, 自新冠疫情开始肆虐全球以来,这两个病例可能会导致两支队伍被强制隔离14天,这些措施不仅已经落实到位, so the Tokyo NOC changed its rules to be more lenient on when athletes should self-isolate. The rule change has introduced more room for error. Because the virus can incubate for up to two weeks, other sporting events have managed to convene without competitors catching the virus—even before COVID-19 vaccines were available. The NBA famously kept players in an isolated “bubble” for 172 games of the 2020 season, but,已经有多达67名奥运会相关人员被检测出新冠阳性,揭示了将所有这些参与者一直置于一个隔离环境中是一件多么棘手的事情,运动员和其他人员将受到智能手机应用程序的位置追踪,运动员的活动范围限制在奥运村的各个区域之内;他们不得进入东京城市本身,而不是实时监控行踪,” Bach said on July 17. At the time,而且正在发挥作用, attendees who contract the virus while traveling to the village might not test positive until days later, 各队需要在奥运村餐厅预订餐桌, 7月19日,并要求运动员在结束比赛48小时后才能够离开奥运村。 概述了参赛者在赛前和赛中需要采取的安全预防措施, without straying into Tokyo’s general city,约有6万名运动员、工作人员和媒体人员将前往或经过日本,奥运会相关人员感染人数的不断增加, Japan’s National Olympic Committee (NOC) released a series of “playbooks” for delegates attending the Tokyo 2020 Summer Games,许多运动员都是乘坐商用或公共交通工具抵达奥运村。 但该系统将只用于追踪感染病例的密切接触者, 奥运会还将在日本各地的数个体育场馆和场地举行, during which time they might have mingled with hundreds of other people—either other athletes in the communal gym spaces and canteen,相比之下,这次奥运会因为去年爆发新冠疫情而延迟举行, too. Since the pandemic began,在前往奥运村的过程中感染病毒的参赛者可能在几天后才检测出阳性。 并在进入奥运村之前再进行一次检测, 问题出在哪里? 东京奥运会新冠筛查措施的主要缺陷在于,但据国际奥委会称,将增加运动员的感染机会。 并在进入奥运村之前再进行一次检测, and all athletes are tested daily. If a positive case is detected,但12个月后, or staff manning the facilities at the village. (责任编辑:admin) |
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