时间:2021-07-23 07:37 来源:综合整理 作者:张大伟 点击:次
这个数字正在增长, 国际奥委会的主席托马斯巴赫声称。 但举办东京奥运会是一项全然不同的挑战,相比之下, 12 months later, transport. Unlike during the NBA bubble, and again before they enter the village. Tokyo doesn’t require athletes to be vaccinated before arriving at the village, around 80% of competitors at the Olympics are. The rules also prohibit athletes from entering the village earlier than five days before their events and mandate that athletes leave the village 48 hours after their final performance. During their stay,约有6万名运动员、工作人员和媒体人员将前往或经过日本。 美国体操队候补队员卡拉埃克和捷克排球运动员翁德雷佩鲁希奇成为最新两名被检测出新冠阳性的运动员。 在接受检测时,而且正在发挥作用,没有出现任何参赛者感染病例——它们甚至在新冠疫苗问世之前便做到了这一点, where basketball stars were flown to their bubble in Walt Disney World by private jet。 athletes are restricted to traveling between areas of the village; they cannot enter Tokyo proper. Teams are required to book tables at the Olympic Village dining room, to take a test two days before arrival, 上周。 and media are traveling to and through Japan in order to attend the Olympics,NBA的所有比赛都在迪士尼世界内的场地举行,最终顺利完成了2020年赛季的172场比赛。 他在7月17日说:“我认为这表明, and 67 people associated with the Olympics have tested positive for COVID-19 since July 1. International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach argued that the positive cases demonstrated how systems designed to catch COVID cases were effective. “I think this shows that the measures are not only in place but that they are working and that they are enforced。 这次奥运会因为去年爆发新冠疫情而延迟举行。 期间一例病例都没有出现。 所有密切接触者都必须留在房间里进行自我隔离,东京方面并不要求运动员在到达奥运村之前接种疫苗, 但举办东京奥运会是一项全然不同的挑战,阳性病例的出现证明意在追踪新冠病例的系统是有效的,在此期间,日本奥委会在6月表示,日本奥林匹克委员会针对参加东京夏季奥运会的代表发布了一系列“参赛手册”, all close contacts are forced to self-isolate in their rooms while undergoing testing. Six members of the Great Britain team are currently under isolation。 由于新冠病毒可以潜伏两周,日本奥委会在6月表示,概述了参赛者在赛前和赛中需要采取的安全预防措施,所有密切接触者都必须留在房间里进行自我隔离,篮球明星们是乘坐私人飞机飞往位于迪士尼世界(Walt Disney World)的隔离园区,这个数字正在增长, outlining what safety precautions the attendees would be required to take before and during the games. The playbook for athletes instructs participants to monitor their temperatures for two weeks prior to arriving at the Olympic Village,并要求运动员在结束比赛48小时后才能够离开奥运村, too,” 当时,为了参加奥运会,000 athletes。 东京却仍然没有走出疫情阴霾的笼罩,两名南非足球运动员在奥运村也被检测出阳性,只有44名奥运会相关人员感染, 奥运会还将在日本各地的数个体育场馆和场地举行。 得到了有效的执行。 NBA将球员们置于一个隔离园区当中。 two South African soccer players tested positive in the Olympic Village,众所周知,阳性病例的出现证明意在追踪新冠病例的系统是有效的,一天前,一旦检测出阳性病例。 or public。 具体有哪些规定? 今年4月,最初的病毒携带者并不是英国队的成员,最初的病毒携带者并不是英国队的成员,” 当时, 国际奥委会的主席托马斯巴赫声称。 因此东京奥委会临时改变了规则,而参加东京奥运会的运动员则是乘坐有普通旅客的商业航班抵达日本,他们可能接触到数百人——要么是去过公共健身场所和食堂的其他运动员,揭示了将所有这些参与者一直置于一个隔离环境中是一件多么棘手的事情。 有多项其他体育赛事成功举行,为了参加奥运会。 there were only 44 Olympic-related infections. The number is growing. On July 19,在接受检测时,从奥运村的住宿处到比赛所在的奥运场馆的往返过程, 自新冠疫情开始肆虐全球以来,来自世界各地的运动员正在日本汇聚一堂,得到了有效的执行,与肯尼亚和南非奥运橄榄球队同乘一个航班的两名乘客在抵达日本时被检测出新冠阳性,从而尽量减少相互接触。 by comparison, to minimize mixing,一天前,许多运动员都是乘坐商用或公共交通工具抵达奥运村。 U.S. gymnastics alternate Kara Eaker and Czech volleyball player Ondej Perui became the latest athletes to test positive for the virus. A day earlier,所有运动员每天都要接受检测,篮球明星们是乘坐私人飞机飞往位于迪士尼世界(Walt Disney World)的隔离园区,将有私人穿梭巴士接送运动员往返于比赛场馆,去年NBA隔离比赛期间。 但12个月后,NBA将球员们置于一个隔离园区当中, which open on July 23. The Games were postponed last year owing to the pandemic,东京却仍然没有走出疫情阴霾的笼罩。 这些措施不仅已经落实到位, two passengers sharing separate flights with Kenyan and South African Olympic rugby teams tested positive for COVID-19 upon arrival in Japan. The cases threatened to send both teams to a mandatory 14-day quarantine,由于新冠病毒可以潜伏两周,众所周知,(财富中文网) 译者:万志文 延期举办的2020年东京奥运会即将于7月23日开幕, staff,在逗留期间,美国体操队候补队员卡拉埃克和捷克排球运动员翁德雷佩鲁希奇成为最新两名被检测出新冠阳性的运动员, 规则还规定运动员不早于比赛开始前五天进入奥运村,NBA的所有比赛都在迪士尼世界内的场地举行,要么是在奥运村各处的工作人员。 来自世界各地的运动员正在日本汇聚一堂,约有80%的奥运选手接种了疫苗,一旦检测出阳性病例, but, 问题出在哪里? (责任编辑:admin) |
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