时间:2023-01-31 16:28 来源:体坛日报 作者:doudou 点击:次
First agreement between Chinese football academy and Italian Serie A club 中国足球学院和意大利意甲俱乐部之间的首份协议 Torino FC become part of PSA professional pathway for Chinese players 都灵足球俱乐部成为太平洋体育中国球员职业道路的一部分 Torino FC coaching techniques to be implemented in Fujian Province. 都灵足球俱乐部的教学技术将在福建省实施。 Regular football camps for Pacific Sports members to start this summer 今年夏天太平洋体育将为会员重启海外足球夏令营
Pacific Sports Xiamen announce the signing of a historic agreement with Italian football giants Torino FC on Jan 20th with a virtual signing ceremony that took place in 3 separate continents. 2023春节期间,厦门太平洋体育宣布与意大利足球巨头都灵足球俱乐部签署了一项历史性的协议,并在3个不同的大洲举行了一个线上签约仪式。 In a landmark day for football in China the agreement marks the beginning of a cooperation between one of China’s foremost academies and one of European football’s powerhouses. These 2 clubs will work together to bring professional level and elite coaching to Xiamen, Fujian and eventually throughout China. 在中国足球具有里程碑意义的一天,该协议标志着中国最重要的足球学院之一和欧洲足球强国之一之间合作的开始。这两个俱乐部将共同努力,将专业水平和精英教学带到厦门,福建,并最终遍布中国。
Torino FC are committed to supporting PSA (Pacific Sports Academy) in raising standards of coaching in the region; providing professional coaching models and tested techniques directly from their world famous youth and development academy. The head of Academy in Turin Teodoro Coppola commented that he was “extremely excited for the cooperation to begin, and is eager to work with PSA to give Chinese kids the best possible coaching and the best possible chance at realising their sporting dreams”. 都灵足球俱乐部致力于支持太平洋体育学院,提高该地区的教学水平;直接提供世界著名的青少年和发展学院的专业教学模式和久经测试的技术。都灵学院院长特奥多罗·科波拉评论说,他“对合作的开始感到非常兴奋,并渴望与太平洋体育合作,为中国孩子们提供最好的教学,以及提供最佳的机会帮助他们实现体育梦想”。
This agreement is the first between the two countries this year and marks the end to years of pandemic uncertainties. Pacific Sports will be the only academy in the region (Fujian Province) to have such an agreement with one of Italy’s finest clubs. Asked to comment on the signing Pacific Sports CEO Wayne Jones echoed the sentiments of the Italian Director Mr. Coppola and went on to say that, “this agreement is the culmination of almost 15 years of hard work and dedication to the game from all the staff and coaches at PSA. I am particularly proud of the Managing Director Emma Chen and Senior Coach Nicolo Bandiera for ensuring that this agreement came to fruition. Nicolo will be running the China side of the collaboration and will also be preparing for the first wave of Chinese kids to take part in overseas football camps in Turin in coming summer of 2023. There has never been a better time to be a PSA member”! 这是中意两国今年达成的第一项协议,标志着多年疫情不确定性的结束。太平洋体育学院将是该地区唯一一所(福建省)与意大利最好的俱乐部之一达成这样协议的学院。太平洋体育总裁韦恩·琼斯呼应意大利院长科波拉先生的评论说,“这个协议是太平洋体育全体员工和教练对足球这项运动近15年的努力和付出的结晶。我特别为总经理Emma和高级教练Nick感到骄傲,因为他们促成了这项协议的达成。Nick将负责中国方面的合作,还将为2023年夏天在都灵参加海外足球夏令营做准备。这是成为太平洋体育会员的最佳时机”!
During the ceremony PSA Managing Director Emma Chen invited parents and kids to PSA office to witness the signing and to ask their new partners any questions. Parents asked about differences in training techniques and travelling to Italy. One young player Ted asked if it would be possible, one day, to play for Torino FC. A visibly beaming Teadorro Coppola responded with a resounding yes and congratulated the youngster by pointing out that he had just achieved one of the most important things in reaching professional levels…. Bravery!. This young Chinese boy conquered his fears and asked the academy Director of Torino FC a fantastic question in perfect English. · 在仪式上,太平洋体育总经理Emma邀请家长和孩子们到太平洋体育办公室见证这一历史时刻,并向他们的新合作伙伴提出问题。家长们询问协议达成后,他们在训练方面的差异以及去意大利参加夏令营事宜。有一位年轻球员Ted问是否有一天有可能为都灵俱乐部效力。特奥多罗·科波拉先生微笑的回答是肯定的,并指出他刚刚做到了职业水平最重要的事情之一……勇敢!。这个年轻的中国男孩克服了自己的恐惧,用完美的英语问了都灵足球俱乐部学院院长一个奇妙的问题。
The deal will also see coaches from Torino FC come to China to run elite programs at PSA locations. PSA coaches will also have the chance to travel to Turin to experience coaching at one of the best youth academies in Europe. 该协议还将看到都灵足球俱乐部的教练来到中国,在太平洋体育分院负责精英项目。太平洋体育教练也将有机会前往都灵体验欧洲最好的青少年学院之一的教学风格。
PSA will also act as scouts for talented players in the region and provide a pathway for those players to train with Torino FC Youth Team. Teadorro Coppola finished the conference off by saying that, “I am sure that our first Chinese professional Torino FC player is out there… PSA have provided the opportunity and it could be you!” 太平洋体育还将作为该地区有天赋的球员的球探,并为这些球员提供一个与都灵青少年队一起训练的途径。特奥多罗·科波拉在会议最后说:“我相信我们都灵俱乐部的第一个中国球员就在那里……太平洋体育提供了机会,可能是你!” Torino FC are a successful Serie A club in one of Europe's top leagues. 都灵足球俱乐部是欧洲顶级联赛意甲联赛的一个成功俱乐部。 Pacific Sports are a Chinese-Australian owned Football Academy operating in Fujian Province in China. 太平洋体育是位于中国福建省的一所中澳联合运营的足球学院。
Media enquiries contact: 媒体咨询联系: China中国 - emmachen@pacificsports.com.cn +86 135 9953 8550 Australia 澳大利亚- waynejones@pacificsports.com.cn +61 490 848390 Italy意大利 - Nicolo.bandiera@pacificsports.com.cn +86 173 5927 6591 (责任编辑:admin) |